since 1934
大橋 照男
小野 尚樹
M11, M10-P safari, Q で、21, 28, 35, 50mm (2本)のレンズを使っての撮影が多いです。ほぼオールドレンズです。summilux 35mm 2nd モデルの開放での撮影は、私の心情をよく表現してくれます。
佐藤 哲也
島 和雄
津田 節哉
平成5年名古屋ライカクラブ入会。 JPS展入選3回、二科展入選4回、
豊田 實
ライカM型、R型の古いカメラを使用。オールドレンズを愛用し、風景写真を中心に撮影を楽しんでいます。特に好きなレンズはSuper Angulon-R 1:4/21 です。
成原 満
花井 晴子
平野 正彦
降旗 千草
I was born in Nagoya in 1984. I'm an architect. With the purchase of the Leica Q, I started photography in earnest. What I value when taking pictures is to capture the "moments" (even if it doesn't have to be something special.) of light, color, air, facial expressions, combinations, encounters, etc., from casual everyday scenery. I'd like to take on the challenge of taking pictures that appeal to the emotions of those who see them.
降旗 範行
I am an architect. When designing architecture, I always try to balance emotional methods with logical methods. My emotional design technique emphasizes the relationship between light, shadow and story, and the objects that make them up. Because architecture gives people richness with the experience of sequence. On the other hand, the photo cuts out the scene. I challenge, so that you can imagine the scenes that happen before and after the clipped time.
宮﨑 宗春
I am Muneharu (Hal) Miyazaki and at age 73.I make a comfortable life having hobbies such asphoto, music, cultural exchange, so on after retirement.
Let me tell you please that I am honored to be a memberof Nagoya Leica Club 3 weeks ago and bought immediately
a new camera “Leica Q2” .
The rest of my life would be proceeding with Leica.Thank you.
宮本 貞雄
趣味:写真撮影、旅行、音楽(from classics to jazz)
村上 心
Professor Shin Murakami, Dr. of Engineering
Born in Osaka in 1960. Professor at Sugiyama Jogakuen University, majoring in Architecture. Photographer. Hyper space creator. Member of JAPAN MENSA. Naito-Ryu Natori Master of Shamisen, named Chigashin Naito. Published books include "The Grand Tour" and so on. In 2016, exhibition of photographic works at the Museum of Orient in Nice, France.
森山 正治
I point my camera at the huge cities created by people's dreams and desires. What is in the picture?
Is it a dream, an illusion, or just a duplicate? Looking at the viewfinder of the Leica cameras, I always think so.
渡邉 健太郎
Robert Mills
My name is Robert Mills. I’m an Englishman that grew up in Southern Africa, but I currently live in Nagoya. Attended Trinity College at Oxford University, an active member of Japan MENSA and a published underwater photographer. Photography is my calling, my passion and the thing that will undoubtedly drive me insane someday. I don’t photograph subjects. I photograph the way they make me feel. Admittedly, it’s a bit of a strange concept. But it’s honest – and it’s the best way to describe my approach to the craft. I wrestle with every image I shoot. I assume perfection is possible and I want to wring it out of every photograph. If that’s all you ever know about me, it’s enough to say you know me very, very well.